Our Team


Bex joined The Bear when she moved to London from Suffolk in 2000. In 2013 she joined the staff team, while continuing to work alongside the mission of the Adoratrice Sisters, supporting women involved in sex work and women affected by sexual exploitation. Bex’s background is in running projects and managing teams globally and in the UK. She is one of the founding team of STOP THE TRAFFIK, a grassroots movement to prevent modern slavery and trafficking. Bex enjoys good coffee, good company and exploring new things and places. In February 2023 Bex took up the role as lead Pastor and CEO of The Deptford Ragged Trust.

Ada joined the Bear with her family in 2005 having lived overseas in Central Asia, and has been attending the Bear ever since, minus a 3-year hiatus whilst she was at university in Norwich. Ada has three years of experience working as an Occupational Therapist in the NHS, where she currently works four days a week and one day for The Bear Church/The Deptford Ragged Trust as a Digital Media Officer. Ada's passions are to share Christ through creative platforms and working towards inclusivity and accessibility in church.

Ben joined the Bear Church over 20 years ago when he moved to London with his wife, Katy. Since then he has played a key part in the worship team and youth work. Ben is a graphic designer by trade but also enjoys baking and sells pork pies locally.

Hugh joined The Bear church in 2006 with his wife Jenny, and they now have two kids to keep them busy. Hugh currently heads up Strategy and Engagement at the Office for National Statistics, and held senior positions at the Cabinet Office and DWP before a stint as Chief Economist at Citizens Advice. In normal times he is often found running Parkruns, watching Dulwich Hamlet or socialising with friends.  Hugh also serves as chair of The Deptford Ragged Trust (see below in ‘Trustees’).

Iain was born in Norfolk, became a Christian at 16 and studied Drama and English at Goldsmith’s College before training to be a teacher.  Iain went on to train with Ichthus Christian Fellowship, which led him, his wife Tracy and their three daughters, to live and work in Central Asia for ten years.  He now trains and mentors people to serve in Central Asia (and the rest of the world) as well as being Pastor Two at The Bear and a foster parent. He likes to bake, jog, cycle and eat.

Richard came to London to study Civil Engineering in the mid 1980’s and never left.  He joined Ichthus Christian Fellowship, heard of a God who loved him and has sought to understand what it means to pray ‘may God’s kingdom come’ ever since.  Richard is married to Sally, with whom he has two grown up children.  Richard has served on The Bear leadership team for more years than he can remember and is responsible for running the Evening Service, as well as all things to do with The Ragged Project.  He is passionate about social justice, redistribution of wealth and… motorbikes. Richard has over thirty years’ experience working in the construction industry, and continues to be dedicated to excellence and integrity. He has managed a wide diversity of construction projects from design to completion including domestic and commercial new builds, with the added experience of a number of civil engineering projects.

Tessa is a South Londoner, who went to University in the North West and to Japan for her first full-time job. She discovered church in her teens and God in her twenties. Tessa came to The Bear in 1997 and was invited onto the Leadership Team after one too many interventions about the way things 'should' be done. She brings an enthusiasm for words, for principles, for equality and for comedy. Tessa is the Designated Safeguarding Lead for The Bear Church.


Ada is our Digital Media Officer

Bex lead Pastor and CEO of The Deptford Ragged Trust, oversees our youth work

Celia keeps our places clean

Emily runs Bear Cubs and co-leads parenting courses

Iain is assistant Pastor and runs English Firdays, our ESOL classes 

Kelly helps run Bear Cubs and all kinds of community activities

Katharine runs The Deptford Ragged School Archive

Tessa is our operations manager and oversees our children's work 

Tracy is our Finance Officer



Hugh see above

Katy works in Marketing in a Senior Leadership role, and is responsible for leading high performing, multi-discipline teams. She’s previously held Head of Department positions within a number of high-profile Ad Agencies where she reimagined how those departments functioned and thrived. She has also helped lead fundraising & marketing campaigns for charities, including RNIB, World Vision, Battersea Dogs & Cats Home and The Royal Marsden Cancer Campaign.

Rachel  is currently taking a break from working as an ophthalmologist within the NHS.  Prior to training as a doctor, she held managerial positions in medical colleges, other parts of the medical industry and a large architectural practice.  She has also worked for a 3rd sector organisation working with the long-term young unemployed.   Rachel is married with two children and has lived in London for more than 30 years.  She is an active member of The Bear Church and is excited by the idea of creatively combining innovative architecture with meeting the housing and community needs of a struggling sector of society. Her career break allows her time to be involved with the finer detail of the new building plan.

Sheree is an administrative manager at an investment bank and oversees its global invoicing process for law firms providing services to the bank’s many businesses. Sheree has over 20 years experience in various administrative settings and plays a key role in ensuring the correct procedures are followed for efficiency and risk management. Sheree enjoys working with colleagues all over the world and loves the diverse culture and inspiration this brings.  Since returning to the UK after living in America for several years, Sheree has rediscovered her Christian faith and has been a member of The Bear Church since 2012.


In February Paul stepped down as the full-time leader of The Bear Church and he wrote the church a letter.

“And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.” (Ephesians 2:22)

Dear members and friends of the Bear Church,

It’s getting on for 25 years since I took on the role of leading the Bear Church. And what a journey! It’s been a joy and a privilege. As well as a challenge and a heartache. Over the last couple of years, however, I have felt my role changing slightly, and I believe that the Holy Spirit has urged me to think and pray about how and when to pass the leadership and running of the Bear on to the next generation. I think this especially as we leave the Shaftesbury Christian Centre and prepare to launch into a new season with a new building. I joke about it, but I feel a bit like Moses, who led the Israelites out of Egypt but not into the promised land (I won’t stretch the analogy too far).

I am of the mind that in February next year I should step down as the full-time leader of The Bear and that Bex should step up to take on my role. I am also convinced that we should appoint some younger and more diverse leadership team members. The current team (including Bex), and the trustees, agree that this ‘feels right’. As many of you know, I have also been serving a part-time curacy with the Church of England, which is due to end in February 2023. When it’s finished, and when Bex steps up, I would like to take a sabbatical to take stock, think, pray, and consider what next.

Having been at the helm for what has been almost all my adult life, I feel ingrained in the very DNA of the Bear. To such an extent that this kind of change is almost overwhelming. But I can’t help but feel that God is gently peeling me away from leading His vision for the future of the Bear whilst simultaneously handing it to the next generation to carry.

Handing on leadership in independent ‘house’ churches is not easily done due to their relational nature, but I was particularly struck and provoked whilst watching the musical Hamilton, when George Washington sings: “I want to teach them how to say goodbye”. It really struck a chord (excuse the pun). It’s daunting, but it’s also very exciting. God is leading us all forward into a new season. With plans for each one of us. And Jesus will continue to build His church.

I have no doubt that The Bear Church will always be home for me and my family. Emily talks of running Bear cubs forever, and I’m sure I’ll be involved in seeing the building project through to completion. I also feel that I should pursue and finish the writing I have started over the last few years. But what my ongoing role will be, I don’t yet know.

To say I’m thankful for The Bear would be an understatement. I have worked alongside a leadership team that I am in awe of and served a congregation who constantly amaze me. The way you love and care for one another inspires me to want to be a better man, and continue to follow Christ. It doesn’t get better than that!

I’m sure that many more words will come in the next few months, but for now, please pray, if you will. And please let me know your thoughts, questions and words from God.

In God’s grace and love
